Why should you learn to code

As i begin this course on learning to code i want to start with reasons why we should be learning to code.

Lot of people would want to learn to code to begin a career in software programming.

But there are many other reasons for learning to code.

Let me tell you a story.

One of my ex colleagues who was very good at programming was originally a real estate developer. He started learning coding because he wanted to build a web site for his real estate company. He acquired useful skills in coding that came to his rescue later in 2008 – 2009 when real estate business crashed. He was able to switch his career in programming. I asked him once if he like coding and he mentioned he likes it because you have the power to create stuff in coding. So true. The story for me outlines a lot of reasons why its a good idea to learn to code even if you don’t plan to have a career in software.

Let me list some out

  • Learn coding for fun
  • Learn to create a web site for your business
  • Learn to create useful applications
  • Learn to create just about anything

So lets get started on this journey.

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